5.2. hardware_adc Library Functions#

To use this library, add following to the C/C++ file,

#include <hardware/adc.h>

and following to the CMakeLists.txt file.

target_link_libraries(projectName pico_stdlib hardware_gpio hardware_adc)

Following are some of the most commonly used functions for configuring the ADC.

5.2.1. adc_init()#

Initialize the ADC peripheral on the μC.

5.2.2. adc_gpio_init(uint8_t pinNo)#

This function initializes a GPIO to work with an ADC input.

  • Function input pinNo can be any GPIO number that supports ADC input, i.e. 26 through 29.

5.2.3. adc_select_input(uint8_t adcIn)#

This function prepares an ADC input for reading.

  • Function input adcIn can be any ADC input number, i.e. 0 through 5.

5.2.4. uint16_t adc_read()#

This function makes ADC to read voltage from the input selected using adc_select_input(adcIn) function.

  • Function returns an unsigned integer in the range of 0-4095 that corresponds to the measured voltage.