7.2. hardware_uart Library Functions#

To use this library, add following to the C/C++ file,

#include <hardware/uart.h>

and following to the CMakeLists.txt file.

target_link_libraries(projectName pico_stdlib hardware_gpio hardware_uart)

Following are some of the most commonly used functions for configuring and using the UART peripheral.

7.2.1. uint uart_init(uart_inst_t* uart, uint baudRate)#

Initialize a specific instance of UART on the μC.

  • Function input uart is a pointer to the UART instance that should be initialized. The library already defines variables for both the instances. So, you only have to specify uart0 or uart1.

  • Function input baudRate is the baud rate, in bits/s, that the UART instance should use for communication. It must be an unsigned integer number.

  • Function returns an unsigned integer representing the baud rate that was actually set.

  • This function assumes that the 8N1 configuration for the UART packets should be used.

7.2.2. uart_putc(uart_inst_t* uart, char c)#

Transmit a character through the UART instance specified.

  • Function input uart is a pointer to the UART instance that should be used to transmit the character.

  • Function input c is a character being transmitted.

  • This function doesn’t exit until the character is sent.

7.2.3. char uart_getc(uart_inst_t* uart)#

Receive a character through the UART instance specified.

  • Function input uart is a pointer to the UART instance that should be used to receive the character.

  • Function returns the character recieved.

  • This function doesn’t exit until a character is received.